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For Undergraduate Students:


Active membership is open to all full-time undergraduate students registered in the Biomedical Engineering department, who are classified as juniors or seniors and are considered in good standing by their college.

  1. Members are required to attend one AEMB meeting and one event each semester to maintain good standing within the organization. Attendance will be taken at each event.

  2. Students must maintain a cumulative GPR of 3.50 or above to be eligible for active membership. In all cases, candidates for membership must have completed at least six semester credit hours of Biomedical Engineering courses.

  3. To be considered juniors, students must be in the next-to-last year of their curriculum or classified as U3 by the university. To be considered seniors, students must be in the last year of their curriculum or classified as U4 by the university.

  4. Candidates for membership to AEMB, in addition to having the required scholastic rank, must have a continuous record of intellectual activity and achievement in Biomedical Engineering; must be of exemplary character; must possess qualities of high integrity, breadth of interest both inside and outside of Biomedical Engineering and unselfish service to the community and the profession. The chapter retains the right to evaluate the exemplary character of all candidates.

  5. If a potential or current member's eligibility is in doubt due to irregular standing or curriculum, the matter will be referred to the National Executive Council for appropriate action.

  6. Membership in any other fraternity or society will not prevent a student from active membership in AEMB.

  7. Transfer students ranked as juniors or seniors who have transferred from some other institution, school, or department will be eligible for active membership provided they had maintained a scholastic GPR of 3.5 or above from before the transfer and provided they maintain this average for one grade period after the transfer. In all cases, candidates for membership are required to have completed at least six semester credit hours of Biomedical Engineering courses.



For Graduate Students:


Active membership is also open to all graduate students registered in the Biomedical Engineering department. To be eligible for membership, a graduate student:

  1. Must be a candidate for a degree in Biomedical Engineering from a university with an ABET-accredited graduate program;

  2. Must have completed at least 12 semester hours of graduate courses for students in a Ph.D. program, or nine semester hours of courses in a Master’s degree program, six of which are Biomedical Engineering courses towards the degree;

  3. Must have a grade point average of at least 3.75 on a 4.0 scale and rank in the upper one-third of eligible graduate students;

  4. Must have, at minimum, 1 first author professional publication (conference abstract, proceeding, or journal paper). Graduate students may be admitted for membership without fulfilling this requirement, however, this publication requirement is to be fulfilled upon graduation and is to be moderated by the faculty advisor.

Membership Requirements: Mission

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