Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
This organization shall be known as Alpha Eta Mu Beta, The International Biomedical Engineering Honor Society; referred to herein as the Society. The Society is incorporated in the state of Louisiana, United States of America.
Section 2: Purpose
That those in the profession of Biomedical Engineering or Bioengineering, who by their attainments in college or in practice have manifested a deep interest and marked ability in their chosen life work may be brought into a closer union so as to promote an understanding of their profession, and to mark in an outstanding manner those who, as students in Biomedical Engineering or Bioengineering, have conferred honor on their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship, exemplary character, honorable activities, and leadership and to aid those students to progress through association with alumni who have attained prominence, we do hereby proclaim and establish the following constitution. a. To encourage participation in those activities that may be beneficial to the profession of Biomedical Engineering/Bioengineering. b. To further unify the student body of the departments of Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering in presenting its needs and ideals to the faculty. c. To create a closer student-faculty relationship by periodically bringing together the thoughts and needs of both. d. To assist and cooperate with all organizations and persons working for the interests of Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering. e. To benefit its members by the association and experience that can come from bringing together a group with similar interests, objectives and abilities. f. To promote the professional development and welfare of its members.
Section 3: Official Symbols
The use of the Society symbol and insignia are permitted upon approval or acceptance into the society. The symbol for the Society shall be the early form of the Greek letters Alpha, Eta, Mu, and Beta (AHMB). Use of the symbol AEMB shall also be permitted. The insignia shall be the following seal.​​

Article II: Membership
Section 1: Active Membership
a. There shall be but one class of active members.
b. Active membership shall be open to those full-time undergraduate students duly registered who are ranked as juniors or seniors by their college and are in good and regular standing in an accredited Bioengineering or Biomedical Engineering program, herein referred to as Biomedical Engineering. A program that is accredited by an organization that is a signatory of at least one of the International Accreditation Accords recognized by the International Engineering Alliance is hereinafter referred to as accredited. Biomedical Engineering Technology, Biotechnology, or Biological Engineering programs are not considered comparable curricula.
c. Students who are enrolled in certificate courses or degree programs that are not equivalent, or less than a bachelor’s degree will not be recognized for membership.
d. Only those juniors who have maintained an average scholastic grade in the upper one fifth and those seniors who have maintained an average scholastic grade in the upper one third of the Biomedical Engineering class of which they are a member shall be eligible for active membership. The scholastic requirements of the individual chapters may be raised above those set forth in this Constitution. In all cases, candidates for membership shall have completed at least six semester credit hours (or the equivalent) of Biomedical Engineering courses.
e. To be considered juniors, students shall be in the next-to-last year of their curriculum or shall have completed the institution’s requirements for junior standing. To be considered seniors, students shall be in the last year of their curriculum or shall have completed the institution’s requirements for senior standing. For institutions without junior and senior classifications, students who have completed 50% and 75% of 4-year program shall be deemed juniors and seniors, respectively, with respect to membership requirements.
f. Candidates for membership to AHMB, in addition to having the required scholastic rank must have a continuous record of intellectual activity and of attainment in Biomedical Engineering; must be of exemplary character; must possess qualities of high integrity, breadth of interest both inside and outside of Biomedical Engineering and unselfish service to the community and the profession. A Chapter shall have a procedure for the evaluation of the exemplary character of candidates.
g. In the case of students whose eligibility is in doubt because of irregular standing or curriculum, the matter shall be referred to the Executive Council for appropriate action.
h. Membership in any other fraternity or society shall not prevent a student from active membership in AHMB.
i. Transfer students ranked as juniors or seniors who have transferred from some other institution or school or from some other department in the same school shall be eligible for active membership provided they have maintained a scholastic grade average in the upper one-fifth of a junior, or upper one-third of a senior, of the class from which they transferred and provided they maintain this average for one grade period after the transfer. In all cases, candidates for membership are required to have completed at least six semester credit hours (or the equivalent) of Biomedical Engineering courses.
j. Active membership shall also be open to graduate students registered in a Bioengineering or Biomedical Engineering curriculum. To be eligible for membership, a graduate student:
Must be a candidate for a graduate degree in Biomedical Engineering or Bioengineering from a university with an accredited undergraduate and/or graduate program
Must have completed at least 12 semester hours, or 4 graduate courses for students in a doctoral program, or nine semester hours, or 3 graduate-level courses in a master’s degree program, six credits of which are Biomedical Engineering or Bioengineering courses towards the degree
Must have a grade-point-average of at least 3.75 on a 4.0 scale and rank in the upper one-third of graduate students in the program.​
Section 2: Alumni Membership
a. Any graduate Biomedical Engineer from a school now having a chapter of AHMB, who during his or her scholastic career fulfilled the requirements for membership, may be eligible for alumni membership providing that the degree was received during a period when the program was accredited.
b. Any active member, upon completion of his/her studies, shall become an alumni member.
c. A member having received a degree at one institution and pursuing an advanced degree at a second institution may apply to the AHMB chapter at the second institution to have his/her alumni membership reverted to active membership, pursuant to that chapter's by laws, if so desired.​
Section 3: Faculty Membership
a. Faculty membership may be granted to a faculty member of an accredited program of Bioengineering or Biomedical Engineering who has made an outstanding contribution to education in the field of Biomedical Engineering, upon review and approval of his/her credentials by the Executive Council. With the exception of Faculty Membership for Chapter Faculty Advisors, active soliciting of prospective faculty members by individual chapter may not be undertaken prior to approval by the Executive Council of such prospective faculty members.
b. The purpose of the faculty membership is to provide a direct and manifest means for faculty of the program in Biomedical Engineering to be identified with and participate in the activities of AHMB. While there is no intent that a faculty member should participate as an active member in the chapter, faculty need to be fully aware of the ideals and objectives of the chapter and to render aid and assistance to the chapter as needed. The traits expected of the members of AHMB – scholarship, character, responsibility, sociability, diligence, and widespread interest – are of prime consideration in faculty - student relationships. The affiliation of the faculty and their contribution to the welfare of AHMB are encouraged.
c. Qualifications for faculty membership are as follows:
The candidate shall hold rank above instructor in the program in Biomedical Engineering.
The candidate shall have at least three years of full-time teaching and/or research experience as a faculty member in Biomedical Engineering program at that particular university.
The candidate shall be clearly identified with the Biomedical Engineering courses and research of the department.
Faculty memberships may be extended to outstanding faculty in Biomedical Engineering programs which have no active student chapter of AHMB. The individual receiving the faculty membership is required to attend the initiation on the campus of the sponsoring chapter.
The chapter membership should view every proposed faculty member as a chapter advisor.
A copy of a biography of each candidate and of qualification statements written by two (2) members of the proposing chapter, indicating outstanding contributions, must be submitted to the Executive Director six (6) weeks prior to the scheduled initiation date for approval or disapproval by the Executive Council. In no case may a faculty member be initiated without specific written approval from the Executive Director.
A candidate must receive at least two-thirds affirmative votes of the total number of eligible votes in the Board of Directors to be elected.
Upon receipt of written approval from the Executive Director, the candidates for faculty membership are processed in the same manner as active member candidates.
The faculty member is initiated at the next regularly scheduled initiation ceremony of the sponsoring chapter.​
Section 4: Eminent Membership
a. Induction as an Eminent Member is reserved for those individuals who, by their technical achievements and contributions to the field of Biomedical Engineering, have shown themselves to be worthy of the honor, upon review and approval by the Board of Directors.
b. Eligibility for Eminent membership is limited to those members who graduated at least 10 years prior and who have achieved distinction for eminent attainments in biomedical engineering.
c. A letter of recommendation from one Faculty or Eminent Member, stating the qualifications and reasons why a person should be given Eminent Member status, must be submitted to the Executive Council.
d. A candidate must receive at least two-thirds affirmative votes of the total number of eligible votes in the Board of Directors to be elected.
e. Upon receipt of written approval from the Executive Director, the candidates for Eminent Membership will be inducted at the next Convention.
Section 5: Election of Members
a. Election of members shall be conducted either by secret or open ballot as the chapter sees fit at the time of election. Academic eligibility will be verified by the chapter’s Faculty Advisor and other eligibility requirements will be determined by the active members. Elections shall be held as soon after the date of determining the eligibility of the candidates as possible. A simple majority of all active members present shall be required to elect a person to membership.
b. All candidates for membership shall be elected by an active chapter. They shall be initiated, according to the prescribed ritual, either by the active chapter or in the case of an Alpha Chapter by a group of members to be designated by the Executive Director.
c. Normally there should be an initiation of new members held near the middle of each semester, quarter, or trimester in the academic year, or as often as justified for the chapter.
Section 6: Eligibility Questions
Any questions concerning the eligibility of students for an active membership at a school should be sent with a copy of the current chapter constitution to the Executive Council for review and decision. The appeal of any decision will rest solely with the Executive Council.
Section 7: Inactive Members
An active member may become or may be declared an inactive member subject to conditions set forth in each local chapter’s constitution. In accordance with Article VI, Section 1, these conditions shall be approved by the Board of Directors. Each chapter shall have a procedure whereby an inactive member may be reinstated as an active member.
Article III: Organization of the Society
Section 1: Chapters
This Society shall consist of such active chapters as have been, or shall be, established in engineering schools or colleges having an accredited Bioengineering or Biomedical Engineering program as have been or shall be established and recognized by the Society.
Section 2: Chapter Names
The active chapters shall be designated by the name of the school at which they are located, and the alumni chapters shall be designated by the name of the city in which they are located, subject to the approval of the Executive Council in each case.
Section 3: Headquarters
The headquarters of the Society shall be located at the office of the Executive Director of the Society.
Article IV: Governance
Section 1: Governing Bodies
The Society shall be governed by a Board of Directors, the Executive Council and the Convention, as hereinafter provided. These three bodies shall control all matters and affairs pertaining to the Society but shall not interfere with the internal affairs of any Chapter, except in matters of discipline, as hereinafter provided. The Convention shall meet annually except as provided in Article V Section 2.
Section 2: Board of Directors
The purpose of the Board of Directors (herein referred to as the Board) is to consider, review and decide on all policy issues related to the governance and operation of the Society.
A second purpose is to oversee all development including fund-raising related issues.
The Board must approve by simple majority an annual budget generally recommended by the Executive Committee.
The Board must ratify all Eminent members of the Society.
The Board shall consist of:
The current President, who shall serve as Chair of the Board, without a vote, unless breaking a tie.
The current Vice-President, who shall serve as Board Vice-Chair, and will act as Board Chair, when the Chair is absent,
the three most recent past Presidents,
the Treasurer,
the Executive Director, who shall serve without vote, and
six elected members.
All members of the Board must be Active (non-student), Alumnus, Faculty, or Eminent members of the Society.
The past President members shall serve six-year terms.
The six elected Board members shall serve six-year terms.
Elected Board members may serve consecutive terms if re-elected.
The Board shall elect, by a plurality of votes, two (non-student) members of the Board to be members of the Executive Council. Terms shall be for two years each and elections shall occur in even numbered years.
The six elected Board members shall be elected according to Article IV Section 4.
Section 3: The Executive Council
The Executive Council shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Executive Director (ex-officio), Communications Manager, Networking Manager, Region Outreach Coordinators, Secretary, and two non-student members of the AHMB Board. Each Executive Council member, with the exception of the Executive Director, shall have one vote.
Section 4: Election of the Executive Council and Board of Directors Members and appointment of Student Officers
a. Election of Executive Council, which includes the President, Vice President, and Treasurer, shall be held at the Convention during even-numbered years. If for any reason a Convention is not held during an even-numbered year, elections will be held by mail or email prior to September 20th of the even-numbered year. A Nominating Committee appointed by the President will present a slate of nominations to the Executive Council and the Society Chapters at least one month prior to the Convention or by September 30th if no Convention is to be held. Nominations will also be solicited from the active chapters by the Nominating Committee at least one month prior to the Convention or by September 30th if no Convention is to be held. Installation of the Executive Council and Board, elected at the Convention or by mail/email, will be accomplished by the outgoing President just prior to the conclusion of the Convention or at the first Executive Council meeting that follows the election.
b. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer and Board members shall be elected by a plurality of the Executive Council and eligible chapter votes received. Tie votes will be resolved by a plurality vote of the Executive Council. Any vacancy, whether resulting from death, resignation, removal or other cause, except for the President, shall be filled by an act of election by the remaining members of the Executive Council.
c. Student officer positions will be determined after careful review by the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Executive Director. A final slate of candidates will be presented to the Board of Directors for final approval no later than 1 month after the Convention.
d. Election of the six elected board members:
The six elected board members shall hold staggered terms so that two board members are to be elected in each even-numbered year to replace the two elected board members that have served a full six-year term. In the event that an elected board member resigns, or their position becomes vacant before the end of his/her term, a new board member shall be elected to complete that term. Unelected board positions that become vacant will remain unfilled (with the exception of the President) until the next Convention.
At the 1st election of these six, the two individuals receiving the most votes will receive six-year terms; the next two highest vote receivers will receive four-year terms; the next two highest vote receivers will receive two-year terms.
e. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Executive Council on a permanent full time or part-time basis. The Executive Director shall hold office, unless suspended or removed for just cause as hereinafter provided, until retirement. The Executive Director may be removed from office in accordance with Article VIII, Section 4, of this Constitution.
Section 5: Authority
a. Powers: The Executive Council shall have the following powers and duties in addition to those heretofore set forth:
To uphold and enforce the Constitution of the Society.
To charter new chapters of the Society in accordance with Article VI, Section 3.
To expel any chapter in accordance with Article VIII, Section 1.
To suspend any chapter until the next Convention.
To expend the monies of the treasury of the Society according to an annual budget voted by the Board.
To invoke and carry out such discipline as may be provided for in this Constitution.
To publish all literature, catalogs, and official publications of the Society, issue all certificates of membership, and keep all official documents and properties of the Society.
To perform any other acts of governance deemed necessary for the good of the Society, with consent of the Board.
To consider expulsion of any active member in accordance with Article VIII, Section 3.
Section 6: Officers
a. President. The President shall be an Alumnus, Faculty or Eminent member of the Society and shall be a direct intermediary between the Executive Director, the Board and the Student officers. The President shall:
Develop and convey long range vision and goals to promote growth and stability of the society,
Assume responsibility to promote the society professionally at conferences, conventions, and other meetings.
Develop and maintains professional networks with the BME council of chairs, industry representatives and other professional BME related organizations and funding agencies.
Work closely with the Vice President and student officers,
Serve as Chair of the Board,
Appoint and charge, with the approval of the Board, the chair of each committee of the Board,
Call and preside at meetings of the Board. In his or her absence, or if the presidency is vacant, the Vice President or Past President shall be presiding officer. In the event the Vice President or Past President is not present, the Board shall elect one of its members as presiding officer pro-tem. A presiding officer pro-tem shall be counted as a voting member for purposes of defining a quorum but shall vote only in the case of a tie,
Call and preside at meetings of the Executive Council. In his or her absence, or if the presidency is vacant, the Vice President shall be presiding officer of the Executive Council meetings, and
Preside at each Convention and shall submit a report on the welfare of the Society at each Convention.
The term of office of the President shall be two years but may serve no more than four consecutive two-year terms.
b. Vice President. The Vice President shall be an Alumnus, Faculty or Eminent member of the Society and shall
Assume all duties of the office of president in the event of absence, disability or death,
Assist the president in all matters of the association,
Oversee direct mentorship of student officers,
Oversee various projects and initiatives for society growth and stability, and
Report on project progress and state of the society to the President.
The term of office of the Vice President shall be two years but may serve no more than four consecutive two-year terms.
c. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be an Alumnus, Faculty or Eminent member of the Society and is responsible for keeping all financial records of the Society and for making them available for annual auditing. The Treasurer shall
Work with the Executive Director to initiate the preparation of annual budgets and income tax reports, and submitting same to the Board for approval,
Open and close bank accounts in the case that the Executive Director is unable to facilitate this, and
Receive and disburse funds in accordance with the annual budget approved by the Board in the case that the Executive Director is unable to facilitate this.
Communicate monthly with the Executive Director to receive statements of income and expenses and bank balances and report these in a monthly summary to the Executive Council.
The term of office of the Treasurer shall be two years and may serve no more than four consecutive terms.
d. Executive Director. The Executive Director shall:
Serve as the chief executive and operating officer of the Society.
Be responsible for the management and direction of all operations, programs, activities, and affairs of the Society
Be responsible for arrangements for all Society meetings
Invoice and receive dues from the individual chapters and send dues notices to chapters.​
Keep financial records of the Society, in cooperation with the Treasurer.
Maintain all minutes and records of each Convention, and distribute copies to each chapter, Executive Council and Board member with the Student Secretary.
Maintain all records of proceedings and actions of the Executive Council and the Board.
With the Student Secretary provide an annual report to the Society at the Convention.
Transmit to the membership of Society such notices as the business of the Board may require and carry out assignments as directed by the Board.
Keep written records of all information concerning the founding, historical development, and operation of the Society.
Serve as an ex-officio member of the Board and Executive Council without vote.
Represents the organization to partners and outside organizations.
Maintain accurate financial and membership records.
Maintain an inventory of AHMB members and property.
Maintain or oversee the maintenance of the Society’s website.
Coordinate and be responsible for the generation of timely Press-releases.
Serve as Secretary of the Society and be an ex officio member of the Board and all committees, including the Executive Council, without vote.
Assist the Board with fund raising activities for the Society.
e. Student Secretary. The term of office of the Secretary shall be two years. (S)he shall:
Keep all minutes and records of each Executive Council meeting and Convention and distribute copies to each chapter and Executive Council member.
Assist the Executive Director with requesting and receiving annual reports from the individual chapters. Assist the Executive Director with sending annual report due notices to the chapters.
Publish an annual report of the Executive Council and Board activities.
Assist the Executive Director in maintain a current and accurate list of active and alumni members and correspond with individual active and alumni members of the Society as directed by the President.
Assist the Executive Director in maintaining the Society’s website.
Perform the duties usually pertaining to the office.
Participates in Executive Council meetings​
f. Communications Manager
Manages the official AHMB social media accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter, for the society
Promotes society news and events on social media in a timely manner
Works to grow social media communities
Develops strategic plan to engage the community and promote the society
Reports to the Vice President and Executive Director
Participates in Executive Council meetings
g. Networking Manager
Manages the official professional networking accounts, such as LinkedIn and VineUp, for the society
Works with the Executive Director to validate membership
Reports to the Vice President and Executive Director
Develops strategic plan to engage the community and promote the society
Participates in Executive Council meetings
h. Region Outreach Coordinators (4)
Compiles a list of active, inactive and potential chapters within the assigned geographic region
Compiles a master contact list for region chapter officers, faculty and chapter emails, mailing address, and contact phone numbers.
Presents the contact list information to the Executive Director biannually or as changes occur
Assists the Executive Director with annual report collection and compilation
Helps the Executive Council develop manuals and best practice guidelines for chapters within assigned region
Executes recruiting and retention initiatives and plans
Participates in Executive Council meetings
Reports to the Vice President and Executive Director​
Article V: Society Government
Section 1: Chapters
a. The active chapters may delegate authority of matters not specifically herein provided for to the Officers, Executive Council, or Committees and Conventions of the Society.
b. Delegates to the Convention shall be elected or selected by the chapter which they represent. Each Active Chapter is expected to send one official voting delegate to the Convention. Delegates from chapters must be members of the Society and in good and active standing of the chapter electing them and their education institution.
Section 2: Conventions
a. Legislative Powers. A Convention shall have control of all matters pertaining to the governance of the Society. Between conventions, legislative powers are delegated to the Board of Directors and Executive Council except for constitution changes as specified in Article XII.
b. Powers. In those years in which a Convention is held, the Convention shall:
Transact all business pertaining to the Society except that which may be otherwise delegated.
Be the final court of appeal for all questions regarding the interpretation of the Constitution and all matters of discipline that may be referred to it.
Elect the members of the Executive Council of the Society; their term of office shall be as provided for in Article IV, Section 4, of this Constitution.
c. How Constituted. The Convention shall consist of the Executive Council and one or more delegates from each of the Active Chapters provided the chapters are in good standing with the Society.
d. Quorum. Representation by at least 50% plus one of the active chapters in good standing shall constitute a Convention. Attendance of chapter representatives may be by video or voice conferencing.
e. Voting. All matters of business arising in the Convention shall be decided by vote. Each member of the Executive Council and each Active Chapter in good standing present shall have one vote in all matters before the convention. A simple majority of affirmative votes shall be required for positive action on any motion, with the exception of Amendments to the Constitution.
f. Rules: Where a rule is not specified, Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised will be followed.​​
​g. Time and Place. The Convention shall, in normal times, meet every year, at such time and place as is determined by action of the Executive Council. In abnormal times when it is impractical for the Convention to meet at its regular time, it may be postponed by the Executive Council until such time that the Council believes it is practical to convene.
Article VI: Active Chapters
Section 1: Governance
Except as herein provided, each chartered chapter shall have full control of its individual affairs. Prior to establishment of its charter, each proposed chapter shall be required to enact and submit for approval to the Executive Council, chapter constitution and amendments thereto, for its own guidance in all matters not herein fully set forth. Each subsequent amendment to chapter constitution must be submitted to the Executive Council and approval must be granted.
Section 2: Chapter Composition
The membership of an Active Chapter shall consist of all active members including undergraduate, graduate, and transfer students who are in good standing with the college as specified in Article II, Section 1. Also, membership can include alumni members of Alpha Eta Mu Beta in good standing; however, the alumni may not vote or hold office.
Section 3: Petition and Issuance of Charter
a. The petition for a Charter must be signed by at least four student candidates, who are qualified for membership as herein set forth. In addition, signatures of approval from the faculty advisor and department chair are also required. The Executive Council shall act upon these petitions within sixty days of the receipt of the petition by the Executive Director.
b. Upon approval by three-quarters of the Executive Council of the petition for a charter, and upon payment to the Society (Alpha Eta Mu Beta Association) of the initiation fees of members, said petitioning ground is entitled to receive a charter and is entitled to all of the rights and privileges of an Active Chapter as defined in this Constitution.
c. When a charter for an Active Chapter is granted to the petitioning group, the Executive Director shall arrange the details of the installation. The presentation of the charter will be done at the Convention, in the presence of all present.
d. The names of the new initiates for membership and any existing members deemed instrumental by the chapter in the formation shall be included on the charter and are deemed Founding Members of that chapter.
Section 4: Chapter Officers
The officers of each chapter shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and chapter advisor. At the time of their election, the officers of the chapters must be active members of the Society and be duly registered in a Biomedical Engineering or Bioengineering curriculum. Their term of office shall not exceed one year. Each chapter shall have a Faculty Advisor who is a member of the college faculty and of Alpha Eta Mu Beta. It is recommended that election of Chapter Officers be held at the end of the academic year prior to the school’s summer term.
Section 5: Duties of Chapter Officers
The duties of officers of an Active Chapter shall be those performed according to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and as established by the constitution of the Chapter.
Section 6: Removal of Chapter Officers
Removal of officers shall be at the discretion of each chapter. In matters that require intervention, the chapter advisor is to contact the Executive Council.
Section 7: Meetings
a. Each chapter shall hold a minimum of four (4) meetings during each academic school year. Additional meetings may be held during the summer if the active members attending the summer term so desire. For the purpose of this requirement, each meeting must have a quorum present.
b. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority plus one of the active membership of the chapter.
c. Special meeting may be called at any time at the discretion of the President of the chapter.
Section 8: Annual Chapter Report
Each chapter is required to prepare an Annual Report beginning on May 1st of the preceding fiscal year. This report is to be submitted (by mail or email) to the Executive Director and must be post-marked by midnight, May 15th. Non-compliance to this section is subject to disciplinary action by the Executive Council as described in Article VIII.
Required items for the Annual Report:
Complete financial statement.
Office General Questionnaire.
A copy of the current chapter constitution.
Minutes of meetings held during the year.
Roster of Members
Names and contact information (email) of Chapter Officers elected for the next year beginning June 1.
The annual report will not be accepted unless all unpaid initiation fees associated with the induction of new members during the interim period since the preceding report are received by the Executive Director.
Article VII: Alpha Chapter
Section 1: Organization
a. To provide for membership of well-qualified students pursuing a degree in Biomedical Engineering at an accredited program in which no Active Chapter of Alpha Eta Mu Beta is established, the Alpha Chapter of AMEB is hereby established.
b. Membership to the Alpha Chapter may be granted by unanimous vote of the Executive Council for a student at an institution that has an accredited Biomedical Engineering Department but does not have an Active Chapter of Alpha Eta Mu Beta, upon the written consent of the Dean of Engineering and the Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and upon submission of a petition to the Executive Council. The students at the institution shall seek active chapter status when conditions permit.
c. The Officers of Alpha Eta Mu Beta who are serving on the Executive council shall be considered the officers of Alpha Chapter. Alpha Chapter shall not have a vote in the Convention.
d. In the event conditions at a school in which members are part of Alpha Chapter become such that in the opinion of the Executive Council a chapter could be active therein, then the Executive Council should request that group to submit a petition for an Active Chapter as heretofore provided.
Section 2: Membership in Alpha Chapter
a. A candidate membership in the Alpha Chapter shall conform to the academic qualifications set forth in Article II, Section 1. (S)he shall be nominated by a member of Alpha Eta Mu Beta and endorsed by the Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the school in which he/she is enrolled and must receive the unanimous approval of the Executive Council.
b. Upon the establishment of an Active Chapter at a school where a Branch of Alpha Chapter formerly existed, all members who were initiated as members of that Branch of Alpha Chapter shall be known as members of the newly established Active Chapter.​
Article VIII: Disciplinary Action
Section 1: Chapters
a. Failure to Submit the Annual Report. Failure to submit the annual report as described in Article VI, Section 8, will result in the following action:
The chapter will be placed on probationary status by the Executive Director until as such time that the Annual Report is submitted and the Department Head will be notified by registered mail with copies to the Chapter President and Faculty Advisor.
If, while on probation, the chapter fails to meet the reporting requirements on both the delinquent and current reports, they will be reported to the Executive Council, and that body shall have the power to determine if the chapter should be placed on inactive status. Inactive chapters cannot initiate new members and cannot vote at the Convention. After a minimum of one year of inactive status, a chapter wishing reactivation must submit a petition to the Executive Council.
b. Failure to Send a Delegate to the Convention. Failure to send a delegate to the Convention without prior notice to the Executive Director and approval by mail or email from the Executive Council will result in the chapter being placed on probationary status by the Executive Director. Failure to send a delegate to the Convention while on probation may result in the chapter being placed on inactive status by the Executive Council.
The Expulsion of Chapters. Expulsion of a chapter for failure to uphold the Constitution of the Society, for the performance of some act that brings discredit upon the Society, or for any other cause, shall be decided upon by the Executive Council. Their decision with supporting documents shall be submitted to the Active Chapters for ratification. Approval by at least three-quarters of the active chapters shall be required to uphold the decision of the Executive Council. The Department Head will be notified by registered mail with copies to the Chapter President and Faculty Advisor.
Section 2: Inactive Chapters
Upon being placed on inactive status, the chapter will notified in writing and removed from promotional materials and public rosters.
Section 3: Expulsion of Members
a. An active member may be expelled from his/her chapter and the Society for failure to uphold the Constitution and for such acts that brings discredit upon the member or the Society, or for any just cause as shall be ruled upon by the chapter, except as set forth in Article VIII, Section 3.b.
b. The method of expulsion is by vote of four-fifths of the active membership of his/her chapter upon charges presented and signed by at least four active members of the Chapter and after a thorough and impartial interview and evaluation of the member concerned, except in the following situations: Any case involving an active member convicted of a crime or convicted by a student honor court or a school administration shall be referred to the Executive Council. Authority for expulsion, in the case of a conviction of a crime or convicted honor violation, is vested solely in the Executive Council; and action taken shall follow the procedure set forth in Article VIII, Section 3.c.
c. In the case where an active member is found guilty of a crime or of an honor violation by a student honor court or by school administration, the faculty advisor of that Chapter shall submit a complete report to the Executive Director for action by the Executive Council. A notation of the violation shall be made of the member’s permanent record, subject to removal at the discretion of the Executive Council. After review of the case, the Executive Council shall decide by a simple majority vote to either expel or censure the member. The decision will be communicated in writing to the members, with copies to the Department Head, Chapter President and Faculty Advisor.
d. An expelled member has the right of appeal within thirty (30) days to the Executive Council.
Section 4: Removal of Officers of the Executive Council
a. Executive Council Officers that are voting members may be removed from office for failure to uphold the Constitution or to adequately perform their duties by a two-thirds affirmative vote at a Convention or a special vote called for by at least three voting members of the Executive Council or at least three members of the Board. The request for a vote to remove a Executive Council Officer must be made in writing to the Executive Director. A vote to remove a Executive Council Officer shall be declared by the Executive Director and shall take place no less than 30 days following the date the special vote request was received and verified. Each Active Chapter shall have one vote. The vote will be by secret ballot returned to and counted by the Executive Director. Any vacancy shall be filled according to Article IV, Section 4.
b. The Executive Director may be removed from office for failure to uphold the Constitution or to adequately perform their duties by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Executive Council voting members.
Article IX: Assessments
Section 1: Initiation Fee Payment
All initiation fees and assessments shall be paid to the Society by the Chapters.
Section 2: Initiation Fee Amounts
Active, Alumni, and Faculty Members pay initiation fees to the Society in an amount approved by the Executive Council and Chapter delegates at the Convention held previous to the initiation. Eminent Members pay no initiation fees. Checks or money orders should be made out to Alpha Eta Mu Beta, Inc. This fee shall cover the cost of certificate of membership, membership pin, honor cord, and the Society’s activities and operations.
Section 3: Additional Chapter Fees
Each chapter shall be allowed to charge the initiate whatever fee it shall deem necessary to cover the expenses of the chapter as set forth in the bylaws of the chapter.
Section 4: Deposit of Initiation Fees
All money received by the Society shall be deposited in a federally insured bank approved by the Executive Council.
Section 5: Budget
a. The proposed budget shall be submitted annually by the Treasurer to the Executive Council for approval.
b. The expenditure of all funds shall be subject to the majority approval of the Executive Council.
Article X: Committees
Standing Committees or special committees shall be established by the Executive Council. The Chairs and members of the Committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Council, unless stipulated otherwise elsewhere in the Constitution. The President shall oversee all standing committees. The President may establish ad hoc committees. The Standing Committees of the Society shall be:
a. The Bylaws Committee shall study issues referred to it by the Council or the Executive Council and amendments submitted by individual members or committees and prepare appropriate amendments for consideration by the Executive Council.
b. The Nominating Committee of five members shall be appointed by the President. A member of the Nominating Committee may not be nominated for any vacancy without resigning as a member of the Nominating Committee. Before the election, additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted.
c. The Long Range Planning and Strategic Issues Committee shall evaluate the goals and objectives of the Society and make recommendations for changes as deemed necessary.
d. The Program Committee shall prepare the Annual Convention Agenda and program in consultation with and with the approval of the Executive Council.
Article XI: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Society shall be May 1 to April 30.
Article XII: Amendments
Section 1: Requirements to Ratify Amendments
This constitution may be amended by an affirmative three-quarters vote of the Executive Council and Active Chapters at a Convention or by mail or email vote through the Office, provided that a copy of the proposed amendments has been sent to each Chapter and each Executive Council member and each member at least thirty days prior to the vote.
Section 2: Initiation of Proposed Amendments
Constitution changes can be initiated by the Executive Council, a simple majority of delegates at a Convention, or by written petition from a minimum of six (6) chapters.
Section 3: Effective Date of Ratified Amendments
Amendments shall become effective upon written notification of the ratified amendments to all chapters by mail or email.